Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 07:49 Id: d7314a No.53993 del
(1.36 MB 1797x2829 GNi4gAhbYAA6hPn.jpg)
A Galaxy what- I'm just trying to find out what kinda camera you got, I'm not here to make fun of you for having like a 6 year old phone, I'm still rockin' a Pixel 4 for fucks sake.
Yeah! Especially Im@s.
>tall and very obviously male Sara cosplayer

The parkour and wall running seem semi unique to WW, though Houkai had something similar in on rails segments.

Have a seat over there.
Yeah, I don't think a single Californian is actually redeemable. That will be the real "what kind of American are you" question, and Californian will be the most incorrect answer.

I know.