Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 08:15 Id: d7314a No.53997 del
(1.03 MB 2594x4096 GNONXNubkAA_Zkg.jpg)
Yeah, that sounds like something you would.

"Men" eh?

Time to do some research in phone cameras! The A53 definitely seems to spell out "budget" even in it's digital camera, but to be expected. Still, it's about on par with my lil' outdated Pixel 4 in some ways, and the hardware isn't always what makes or breaks. Time to just start snappin' pics~
Bro, have you seen some of the "art" out there? You could put up crayon drawings and start a Fanbox with it.
Besides, you gonna really let the AI faggots occupy the space?
I honestly don't remember if you did or didn't...

It also fits the aesthetic of this game way better. Movement in WW feels really jank though, so actually getting him to wall sprint can be a bit finicky.