Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 09:37 Id: d7314a No.54021 del
(11.75 MB 3389x2592 119069231_p0.jpg)
Oh no, I've been found out! t. Weeb.
But yes, you're a permanent tourist. But I hear the population numbers are bad enough it won't be that way for long. :^)
Well hey at least now ya have a goal!

>blame BotW
I mean sure, blame it for this iteration of the concept, but it's by no means new to have this goofy map navigation style. I hate it no matter how it's done.

Like 14 when ponies kicked off, or something stupid.

Do what I'm doing, just find a really pretty stock for her, and lean into it.
I kinda like this company, I may even do a matching, or similar M91/30 stock for my nugget.