Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 11:15 Id: 6a0181 No.54058 del
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I mean, Mihoyo clearly had the western audience in mind when making Genshin, even if not as their main priority. So it would not surprise me. Meanwhile Kuro just went, "fuck it we're makin' a chink game with the chink names."
Which, as hard as it is for me to remember some of them, I do actually like. Seems like most characters in most chink gacha games have either western or Japanese names.
Oh, also speaking of western names, don't you wonder what country the "New Federation" is the future counterpart of? Or as it is called in Japanese, NEO UNION.

Yeah, they definitely got the easy end of the stick as far as which language Japanese takes more from, but its still funny. I also have figured out that some of them breezed through the placement test by being able to read the kanji and their speaking is not quite on the same level.