Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 11:30 Id: d7314a No.54062 del
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They didn't just have the western market in mind, they legit had Western MYTHOLOGY on the mind, clearly. Even the non-western regions of Genshin have deep western mythos ties, it's crazy. It is legit red string on a corkboard tier.
It was hysterical when Genshin blew up big though, and Chinese youtubers were actually making pronunciation videos to educate the giant influx of non-Chinese speakers that couldn't say "Liyue" to save their lives. The irony that most of these videos were themselves full of weapons grade engrish was absolutely lost on everyone.
Yeah, I also like all the Chinese names in both games. What I like more is the Japanese pronunciation for some of them that doesn't even marry up to the English sub, OR the actual Chinese original, those ones make me giggle.
Well, so far every character from Nueva FederaciĆ³n all have spaghetti names, it stands to reason that New Federation may actually be "Nuova Federazione" in her native tongue. Wich means green Qiqi is actually a greaser and I hate her even more now.
That said, what all do we even know about the Neo Union other than they were obliterated by their own tech expansion?

Oh that's funny. But figures. In the same way that Hu can read English, but push come to shove I bet he still has a hard time hearing and speaking it.

How well does Tamamo handle JP?
Do most of your Chinese classmates also know a good bit of English, or JUST Chinese and what limited Japanese they have?

It's that particular type of tattoo, you wouldn't understand.