Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 11:46 Id: 6a0181 No.54065 del
(351.31 KB 2000x2900 GMz6jSKakAAlJ1X.jpg)
I see, I see.
That is pretty funny.
Yeah, I like how in Japanese translations of Chinese games they just use the Japanese pronunciation of the kanji in their names instead of trying to match the proper pronunciation. I guess this goes back to old Japanese translations of Chinese literature. Actually I was briefly talking about Genshin with one of the Chinese guys in my class, and when I mentioned Keking, he corrected me that, since we were speaking in Japanese, her name is in fact, Kokusei.
Oh yeah, them being Italians is possible too. So far I know literally nothing about them other than what was mentioned when we met Mortefi.

Most likely.

She seems to be doing fine in class but her speech is a bit clunky.
I haven't really heard many of them speak English. The guy I mentioned above actually can hold a conversation in both English and Japanese.