Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 11:56 Id: d7314a No.54070 del
(7.37 MB 2807x3873 92249198_p0.jpg)
It was comical, yes.
Oh that's funny that he corrected you on that. I love Ningguang's name, but I love that the JP reading of it is Gyoko. It sounds nicer, it's easier to remember, and for some reason it's cute when they say "Gyoko-sama".
And Ganyu's name is said as Kan'u, while birb momma is read as Kan'un, so her name sounds like a cute diminutive version of her mommas, it's the best.
Goddamn guidos. I knew they were trouble.

Really? Maybe she needs a uh... oral partner, for some good uh, practice.
Well now that's interesting. He's the spy, obviously.
