Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 12:08 Id: d7314a No.54075 del
(1.95 MB 2205x3150 116912559_p0.jpg)
ChatGPT hallucinations are fucking amazing.

You should continue to butcher the Chink names just to annoy him.
It's incredibly cute, I have no idea if it happened intentionally or happy accident.
You know how Japan has a weird cultural fixation on the Romans countries (Spain/France/Italy)? China seems to have a similar Euro-Roman fascination.
What I find incredibly comical however is that Chinese seemingly know NOTHING about like- the middle east, Africa, or South America, those are legit blank spots on their worldly knowledge it seems.

Pfffft, you won't.
LMAFO well then he for sure not only knows, but has used in anger, the Gamer Word~
Back in 2020 when we were playin' CoD with Ran, Cato, and Horse my in game name was in katakana and people legit raged, called me a chink, and reported me for hacking if I did too well.