Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 14:00 Id: d7314a No.54097 del
I'll get you for this.

Uh huh.

Yes, I know, I have. I've noticed it since her Fern cosplay, and one before.
I have no idea, her stuff stopped being uploaded on the usual places, and whoever, or whatever she's banging is conveniently out of shot.
Yuma is a master of cropping, and camera placement though, she could just be doing the motions because she knows simps will pay to jerk off to the perfect angle of her throwing her ass back, so they can imagine it's onto THEIR dick.
Convenient, dontcha thinK?

At least this is a step up from her other "videos" which were literally just her sitting down in a chair, and standing up again.
I think that was one of the points that really hammered home how badly coomers could be manipulated.
That and some other dude that was literally uploading ""pictures"" of an actual sexdoll, and pretending it was totally, legitimately, a real woman with fucking Z cup tits, and a rail thin waist. Sure asshole. What a genius way to pay off a several thousand dollar sex toy though, eh? Make a fucking Fanbox and Fantia page for it.