Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 09:44 Id: d7314a No.54338 del
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Ah, I'll have to go check those out.

There is legitimately no path forward for Russia to be any kind of power at this point... like not even siding with the Reddit Ukraine crowd, just kind of recognizing what the Ukraine debacle has spelled out in terms of Russia's actual capability of anything. The domestic production thing was a lie, what ended up happening is they're still buying everything from their old suppliers, just under new names to hide the embargo. Their demographic decline is irreparable. Even if they win the Ukraine conflict, they will be drowning in debt for the next two hundred years. Their internal politics in still horrendously corrupt, and only getting worse. Russia has knowingly and willingly stuck it's foot in a bear trap, and they're never getting out. Super power? No...
China? Maybe. Still have the same issue that no one seemingly wants to refute in that taking first place is actually economic suicide for them. As of right now their entire economy still depends on the world, and mostly the West, being dependent on Chinese plastic. When you're top dog, you kinda have to enforce rule by way of gun, which America does well. China literally can't afford to lose business clients, their way of life depends on being No. 2.
India... do I really need to say anything there?
Even then, all that said, with the demo decline happening in literally every country on the planet, it'll be interesting to see how weird the world is when it goes back to only being like a mere 7 billion in 2100.

I did not. Was it as awkward as it sounds?

Have these.