Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 11:14 Id: 6a0181 No.54365 del
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Maybe I am just filling in for my own boogeyman, but like over 90% of the boomer to zoomer demo are retards who still believe in shit like democracy or women's rights. Are you saying we get rid of all of them? Would that not simply lead to an even worse population collapse than the one you say is going to hit Russia, which we couldn't possibly move on from?
Also, I was not calling you a progressive, I was calling you a liberal. Despite how most people on the right these days use these terms interchangeably, they do actually mean different things.
Also, I do actually believe we need to move forward. The irony with progressives is that they essentially believe the opposite of what their name implies, as they want to tear down every single social norm, and social norms are something we gained over time by progressing as a society and figuring out what worked to keep said society together.


I mean, I guess realistically the worst, and also most likely option, is I get ghosted...
Close enough.