Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 02:58 Id: d7314a No.54447 del
(114.01 KB 1024x945 GOfmYZlaAAAtA0v.jpg)
Can't believe some poor bastards be out there eatin' Irish Spring.
What do you mean?
Kill yourself.
It was a day of food and beer, so it was good, but boring. Yours?

That's the one.
There's another Kpop song I used to really like a lot, and ofc now I can't remember the name or the group.
The more I look back, the music was only ever okay, I was just in it for the really cute/hot Korean girls.

I see, and that somehow brought up kpop?
If they won't sleep with Korean men, how does anyone else have a chance?