Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 05:52 Id: d7314a No.54510 del
(251.65 KB 1117x1237 GMGxLLUXoAAMVgX.jpg)
Even the pony threads are still a thing. On /trash/ at least.

What about the not retarded yellows?
Are there no white people left in Texas? have they officially died off, or been replaced?
I realize half the "white" people in DFT are so steeped in negroid culture they may as well be purple, but goddamn, how can there be NOTHING there?
It's great isn't it? Ah man, I genuinely want to see it. If only because that little part of me does subscribe to the notion that going to jail will only actually make him more popular. Plus someone's going to have to figure out how the SS is supposed to accompany him to Rikers (that part won't actually happen, but can you imagine?)
Damn this song started out really strong, and went way too heavy on bad synth behind the beat.