Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 08:42 Id: d7314a No.54786 del
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For me the tanuki is short, and stacked. :3
Are ya havin' fun? Play anymore WW?
Eh, the evidence in this case legit didn't matter. Did you see the jury instructions? Or what the prosecution was allowed to say in closing? There was legitimately no way he WASN'T going to be convicted on this one. They just wanted to convict him, plain and simple. It's hilarious. I'm in a family of cops, lawyers, and legal adjacent people, and every single one of them actually can't believe this happened. it's great.
LMAO! Oh momma...

Tsk tsk tsk, sellin' to minors AGAIN Mot?
Oh, get some glasses. And not the liquor kind.

Apparently he's making an airgun. Might be the only thing legal for him to make.
But hot damn. It's amazing to watch them get the theory basically perfect, but be absolutely devoid of any and all philosophy on the whole process.
Like- they're amazing at basically parrot style mimicking all the necessary steps, but just outright skipping all the necessary engineering as to WHY all of it is important, and how to make it actually work.
It looks correct, but it won't function.
Know what I mean?