Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 08:50 Id: d7314a No.54789 del
(29.93 MB 2976x4217 118605007_p0.jpg)
Did you catch a glimpse of his fucking nails?
Holy shit.
And, like every other Pajeet/Flip, he's doing it in shorts and sandals, while literally squatting. Replete with a vice mounted to the floor.
My money would be on losing toes first.

It's fascinating.
I'm seeing a lot of these similar mistakes crop up in the 3D Print world too.
People are designing parts that they see, and understand a little bit of the concept on design, but they're still designing them like as if they were going to be injection moulded. So the machine is making useless extra moves, with useless extra plastic, and geometry, and is actually making 3D printed parts less efficient to manufacture, and even less structurally sound.