Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 09:03 Id: d7314a No.54794 del
(1.92 MB 985x1750 107169323_p0.png)
I believe Hasumi is the tallest funny enough, at 180cm (5'11"). So I'm still a full head and some taller than the birb, so I'm happy.
Nope, I have not. So if the level 22 thing is true (Genshin has a similar req) then I really need to.
Oh, right, I forget your family structure. Man that would feel so alien. I'm the fucking black sheep in my family, and it's because I'm not a literal Trump boot-licking card carrying Republican.

Two reasons-
One, they like squatting unironically.
Two, they can't build a bench sturdy enough to mount one too, and you know it to be true.