Anonymous 06/05/2024 (Wed) 03:59 Id: 2c7e11 No.55329 del
I'm just using it as an example here. Porn and adult content is still not very hidden and minors know all the ways to access it. By both "per capita" and total numbers, more people are consuming porn than ever before. This isn't some earth shattering revelation here. Discord, Twitter, IG, DMs, Telegram channels, normalfag Reddit, etc, are inundated with pedophiles trying to talk to children and show them adult content.

The barrier of entry in the 90s was being white, middle class, and either American, Japanese or European to have access to the vast majority of the web and the specific knowledge of what sites to seek out. It was obfuscated from view but not particular hard to find. Now it's front and center.