Mot 06/05/2024 (Wed) 04:23 Id: d0a1a3 No.55347 del
(197.43 KB 850x1258 1694756201445708.jpg)
Eh, milk isn't usually something that can be bad but not smell like it. It had to be something else or you sense of smell is fucked up.

I'll give you a constitution on daddy day.

One of us here has a degree and it ain't you. :^)
Nah looks like it's not something he's familiar with.
>inb4 the autism takes control and he familiarizes himself with it within the remaining week
Well never mind apparently.

>the reasoning they did it.
They didn't do it on purpose. It wasn't a case of "dang we forgot to teach these kids about decimal numbers so we'll just include a formula that includes a common mathematical constant that is a decimal number and change it up because that's surely the sound thing to do." It's because some of the people running the show are just as fucking stupid or just like any other politician who need to be lynched in a public setting.

Do you tend to use generics a lot?

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