#Hupony 06/05/2024 (Wed) 09:08 Id: ebea90 No.55450 del
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Angular is very commonly used as the frontend for a C# backend. That or React.
>Just some functions, and fizzbuzz
That's a good start.

I've got an exercise for you, Mot. If you can do the following, I'd say you know the language, and basically ready for a job where you work with C#.

Make an API with a single controller class, which implements CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Each method, should have their respective logic, handled by another class, which is injected into the methods through Dependency Injection.
Persist all changes in an in-memory database.

This somewhat small exercise teaches you
1. Separation of logic
2. Configuring Entity Framework
3. Configuring Dependency Injection
4. The onion model

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