Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 05:48 Id: 7ac256 No.55661 del
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It's hard. I'm stressed. I'm lonely.

Yeah, I did as well it seems.
Yeah, that sounds about right. I'm going to unironically murder anyone that visited Japan within the last year and a half if they unironically start locking things down to tourists any more than they already have by the time I finally have the means to go.
Because it's absolutely not fair that the luke warm IQ retarded niggers are there shitting up the place while I still can't fucking go.
Total Tourist Death.

Uh-huh. I see.

Blew 70 rolls to be elf-less.
Much like how you quit Genshin when you couldn't get Klee, I think this is unironically where I bow out.