Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 05:58 Id: 73a6ff No.55663 del
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Well, at least you got the booba...
Did you see the thing about a town literally putting up a big black screen to block their view of Fuji?
I also saw a thing go viral on Jap twitter where a bar owner went on a rant about how if you're going to come to Japan, you should at least learn some fucking Japanese after a tourist couple came into his bar expecting him to accommodate them in English. And there were unironically cucked Japs in the replies who were like "Well you're in the wrong because English is the language of the world so you are in the wrong for not accommodating English speakers!
I would feel bad for you, but from my perspective I want to see a swift resolution to the tourist problem.
One that totally won't include me, h-haha...

Understandable though. If I hadn't gotten lucky and gotten 2 5*s in 100 rolls and just gotten Sephiroth, I most likely would've quit too.
I told you she had yuge bouncy booba!