Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 06:18 Id: 73a6ff No.55666 del
(316.71 KB 1056x1500 GOq-cAdXAAEGJ8W.jpg)
Yeah, she hot. Definitely the 4* I wanted the most.
To be fair, I don't think America should make any attempt at linguistic accommodation either. If you're gonna be a tourist, either hire an interpreter or learn the damn language. If you can't do one of those, don't fucking come.
I would feel bad for you, cause you're my friend... S-surely they'll have an exemption if you can show your residency card and/or speak the language...

>the elf betrays him but the bouncy booba brings him back
You should still have like a month to roll for Yinlin because I think her banner is still supposed to end at the time it was originally intended to despite the release getting bumped up. Also the banner after next should be another booba onee-san :)

It is hard to resist the urge to do so whenever I see some asshole tourist standing still in the middle of a crosswalk where people are trying to fucking walk so s/he can do a whole fucking photoshoot.