Anonymous 06/09/2024 (Sun) 19:12 Id: 1622b9 No.55937 del
The result is yet to be seen.
I'm sure Fidesz is gonna get high numbers, that 44 seems realistic. Considering CDU/CSU gets about 30, RN in France 31, PP in Spain 32, HDZ in Croatia 33, and the rest basically nowhere close (lel at Denmark's SF 18%), that 44 would be an extremely good result, AND still democratic as fuck. It's not like Putin getting 88%.
However that 32% for Tisza Párt (the main opposition, led by dude called Magyar Péter) sounds bs to me. Also I feel this party was artificially hyped up by Fidesz/govt media, ofc they just shat on them, but they were talked about constantly, and that's the main thing. If the Fidesz shits on someone, all of those who hate Fidesz will prefer that person.
And I think Fidesz did this to create an opposition to keep up the democratic appearance, for all the regular opposition aren't appealing to anyone anymore.