Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 04:37 Id: d6454f No.56173 del
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Probably maybe fucked. The builder of this house has already been sued multiple times for bad/cracked slabs because they did a poor job leveling and compacting. There's huge voids because it used to be landfill.

Taken care of.

The issue I'm experiencing is cracking in several places, some of the sections are dividing apart, as well, like they're drifting, and all along the exterior wall the carpet installers drove giant ass nails in through the pour to hold down the carpet tack strips. It looks like this was a quick fix to hold the tack strips down, that otherwise weren't being held down enough by the usual nails driven through it into the concrete.
The problem is that these lager nails, driven in at an angle, cut all the way through to the outside (in some instance enough that the nail wasn't in the concrete, it was literally outside, in the dirt, and rusting away) and at each location this happened, the concrete is literally just falling apart, and creating about an inch, to three inch void in some places where concrete has crumbled away, or is siding away from the outside wall.
Like there's just huge portions of missing concrete I can finger with like two fingers in some places.
It's the worst in the master bedroom, which is what I just got around to this last weekend.