Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 04:55 Id: 8f8d51 No.56174 del
Yeah, this is just fucked beyond actual repair. Those nails were driven in with .22 blanks, funnily enough.

So this isn't something anything really knows unless they see it, experience it, or did it. But when houses are built, your "soil" is all added. Shit is dug down feet to lay foundations and the topsoil all added after the fact. This isn't just to get to clay or bedrock but also because you can control the compaction and wash out. The way it's cheaped out is they just compact what's surface level and pour a foundation atop that. Being in a desert makes washout easier and more devastating but most of this just goes back to what's under the concrete and that's why starting from a blank slate is so much easier than "just wing it and compact". Even expensive solutions (ramjack or whatever else) can't really do shit here. It's a situation fucked all the way around.