Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 05:04 Id: d6454f No.56177 del
No it's super fucked.
Like I said, this particular builder has been sued, successfully, multiple times for exactly this in class actions.
The payouts are nothing. Nothing even approaching the bill to fix the issue. But the principle is there that they're worthless fucks.

This track was built in 2005, and this particular house was built like a year and a half before the '08 crash. In fact my family got it cheap as a foreclosure or short sale (don't remember) back in like 2010ish.

I regret not getting around to a lot of the renovations that have been necessary for this POS. Every time I go to fix one thing, I uncover like 10 other problems.
Electrical isn't to code, either. There's a ton of issues, but this might end up being a nail in the coffin.