Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 05:30 Id: d6454f No.56186 del
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I mean I agree with you. Retarded spics and meth/fent heads can't build.
Who'da thunk it.
Why will no one talk about it...

I think you and I even discussed this before, the irony is that they're building really shitty, shoddy homes, and charging an arm and a leg for it, and it's their own people moving here in droves that end up paying for it.
Juan Martinez works minimum wage for soulless mega-corp builder to throw up papermache & stucco houses in under a month, so that Mr. and Ms. Soto can buy it for half a million, and have it fall in on their heads in under five years.
It stinks of more than just incompetence and greed. It borders on outright malice.