Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 07:46 Id: d6454f No.56216 del
(7.45 MB 3753x5225 119561497_p0.jpg)
I honestly don't care at this point of Assange being pardoned or not.

90% of Libertarians have no idea what the core values are, or what the party was even formed for, or stood for. It's spics that think it means Liberal, disaffected liberals that don't want to be Democrats, and DUDE WEED LMAOs.
You had to register as Dem. or undecided or something to appease momma, didn't you...
Yeah, that's what we all said last time, that it was fait accompli, look what happened.

I will go take a shower, and then play some more damn WW.
Might as well seeing as I'm not tired, it's already one AM, and I've naught to do tomorrow.