Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 07:53 Id: f15de6 No.56217 del
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I think he should be pardoned, but its not an issue I am particularly invested in like some people.

Exactly. Which is kinda depressing as someone who does have more libertarian intuitions, but I realize that a libertarian society would require most people to have similar intuitions, and its clear to me at this point that they simply don't, even the majority of those who claim to.
Kinda, back in HS they forced us to register to vote one day, and this was back when I was apolitical and literally could not have told you which party was left or right, or even what policies would've been associated with being left or right in the first place. So I just went with the same party as mama, and have been to lazy to change ever since. Not like I vote anyway.
Its different this time! Totally!

If you want!