Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 09:42 Id: f15de6 No.56224 del
(826.38 KB 788x1645 119323795_p0.png)
I sometimes miss what the options even are because there's a slight lag between the text box fully loading and the options loading, so I click to proceed and it just chooses the top option before I even have a chance to read it :/
And the autoplay is completely fucked, most of the time it takes way too long to move on to the next text, or sometimes it just skips over it.

Also, I figured out why the game sometimes just cuts off the bottom of the text boxes. Its because they designed it for mobile and just never fixed it on PC, you can properly scroll with motion controls on phone.
The lock on function also works properly on mobile lmao

I think that was one of the options I missed because of the above reason...

What part of the story are you currently at?