Anonymous 06/12/2024 (Wed) 09:50 Id: d6454f No.56225 del
(2.96 MB 1500x2400 119421756_p0.png)
>And the autoplay is completely fucked, most of the time it takes way too long to move on to the next text, or sometimes it just skips over it.
This just means the timing is only formatted to the Chinese voice over, I guarantee, because I've noticed the same where it just cuts off mid way through the voice over, doesn't even let the text finish rolling.
Genshin had a slightly similar growing pain, but was more entertaining to me, for reasons.
But I haven't had an issue yet of WW not loading the text boxes, just the auto play not functioning.

So far, the latest update seems to have fixed that. Longer texts now fully display, or thanks to my ultra wide monitor, the text box now stretches to fill the dimension, and I haven't encountered a scrollable text box again.

Ah, well RIP...

That, literally that. I showed the Sgt the grenade dumb fruit no one knows anything about, other than it comes down river from the south (that doesn't make sense for other reasons), and then Rover had another vision, where I got to play as dragon general dude, and totally flubbed the combat.
At that point it told me to open the menu, and fuck around with gearing up Yangyang, and then lost connection when equipping a new sword.
Closed it for now, not only would it not reconnect, it logged me out completely, and cleared all my login credentials (password, username, etc.) so I'll play more tomorrow after lunch or something.