Anonymous 06/14/2024 (Fri) 06:15 Id: d6454f No.56347 del
(2.72 MB 1536x2048 119326102_p0.png)
Venti > Klee > Childe > John Lee > Alpedo > Ganyu > Xiao
Only to be followed up by fuckin' HuTao. The more I think back on the really early Genshin banners, the more amazing it's come as far as it has.

I'd have to open the game and list them.
I think the one that duped me the hardest last night was the giant flies that totally aren't warp-trotters, that if you follow them are supposed to lead to treasures like seeles, but then there's also seeles? There's a bunch of overworld stuff that's meh.
Ontop of the combat being cool, I forgot most of how it worked the last time I logged on two nights ago.

And money too, prolly.