Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:33 Id: f15de6 No.56398 del
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Seems like both sides are imploding, yeah. Although I did see some people being like, "b-but all the leftists parties formed a coalition" but Macron literally came out and called them all anti-semites lmao
And Macron is undeniably on the left despite him claiming to be a "centrist".
Centrists are always just limp dick leftists in the modern day.
Yeah but didn't she back down on a lot of her promises like immigration? Kinda baffles me why she would be more popular then.
Also seems like Germany had pretty good results too with AfD beating out every leftist party. Although, the main "center-right" party that got the most seats may as well be leftist from my understanding. Unless I'm misremembering that its Merkel's party.
You damn northern Europeans and your beloved Nordic Model!