Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 13:32 Id: f15de6 No.56431 del
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I mean, it'll matter because if its a little girls show it'll likely be around 50 episodes, and if its a late night show it'll be around 12!
Also speaking of youjo anime, have you still been watching Aipri?
Yeah, in European politics most... I don't know what would be the appropriate term, I want to say "alt-right" but that term has too much baggage and a seperate meaning at this point. But alt as in alternative to the mainstream "conservative" parties. Seem to be controlled op, but just a bit more to the right compared to the conservative parties that are fully leftist at this point.
AfD seem like the only one, or at least the only one that has actually gained a lot of traction, that are legit.
Bukele seems pretty legit too, can't believe the most based world leader right now is a spic. He also, ironically enough, started out in a left wing party.
And unfortunately Milei cucked out...