Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 02:28 Id: 4255e9 No.56701 del
Hmm, I guess I'll take that as a "no"!

I seems so! Suomi abandoned its reindeer-painting project due to lack of success in reducing car crashes.

Yes, reindeer, like other deer and elk, do engage in behaviors such as rubbing their antlers against trees, rocks, and other surfaces. This behavior, known as "antler rubbing," is common among these animals, especially during the rutting season when they are marking territory or removing the velvet from their antlers. This rubbing can indeed cause any paint or coating applied to their antlers to wear off quickly, making the reflective paint less effective over time.

This is one of the practical challenges that contributed to the abandonment of the project. The durability of the reflective paint was compromised by the natural behaviors of the reindeer, leading to the conclusion that the method was not a sustainable or effective solution for reducing car accidents involving these animals.
t. ChatGPT