Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 08:42 Id: c06a6d No.57173 del
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I feel like they were shooting for 魔法少女 mascot. Like the lil bastard would fit right in.
Still haven't played enough to even get to that point.

Good luck.


That one sorta isn't possible.
Yeah, don't let anyone really sell you on that as much. Everyone claims it's like some conservative haven up north, or outside the cities. Wanna know what's outside the cities? Suburban cookie cutter hellholes with pyramid scheme trapped Karen soccer moms, and up north is unironically burnt out hippies that couldn't make it into Oregon, and half the state land is literally taken over by Mexican cartels that use it for grow operations, and human trafficking.
BUT ALL THAT ASIDE! It sure is pretty up there.
I said I don't hunt in the modern, legal sense. Honestly, don't you think our ancestors would be a lil' embarrassed by our modern version of "hunting"?
Why aren't you sure about Korea or Taiwan? That's not consummate with the joke, obviously it's a foreign dreamscape full of the most beautiful yellow women you've ever seen. Just ask Weebathan.
>I'm sure it's not as good as it was in the past.
I'm sadly being told that's kinda the case now.