Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 09:13 Id: c06a6d No.57186 del
(802.58 KB 1000x1620 GQFiJoebEAQxhIj.jpg)
I'm sorry.

Nice! Except should you?
Well... alright, I guess I see what you mean.
Wait, what parts are you talking about specifically when it comes to Korea/Taiwan? Like what do you mean geographically?

Uh-huh... lmao
LMAO, that would actually be damn near par for the course for Chinese paid propaganda though.
State run media when they do it is outright comical.

It was.

Dr. Bronner's is actually amazing.
Unironically use it as my body wash in the shower, and for practically everything else it says on the bottle.

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