Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 16:23 Id: 5997b5 No.57370 del
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Boomers literally do not care about the future. As long as they get their social security check each month, they are fine with society burning down around them.
Which is also ironic because they'll be some of the first people to lecture you about how we need to stop climate change for the sake of the future or whatever.
Yep, pretty much everyone is fucked. Other than gen Z men who have somehow wound up the most conservative demographic in the country.
Well, I say somehow, but its pretty obviously because every single facet of society is out to screw them over, so obviously they're going to gravitate to the side that says maybe they aren't literally everything that is wrong with the world.

Yeah, so lets stop talking about her.

Its almost like letting neocons who want to go to war with everyone who's not in the EU, Worst Korea, or Japan into his cabinet was a bad idea or somethin'.
Hell, Trump was unironically saying shit not too different from what the pro-Palestine college protestors were saying before he put his kike son-in-law in charge of handling the Israel situation.

It really makes you think though, how many leftists screeched on and on about how Trump is going to get us into a war and get us all killed, and yet he was the only president in my lifetime to not get us involved in another war, and he was closest we've come to peace with North Korea. Meanwhile under Biden, we're closer to war with China and Iran than we've ever been, and we're actively engaged in a proxy war with Russia.