Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 16:56 Id: c06a6d No.57382 del
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But you're not, you're just being a jackass.

We never actually promised not to, that was a sort of half myth.
James Baker DID tell Gorbachev that NATO wouldn't expand past Germany, back in 1990, but even THEN Baker was told to walk back those statements in 1990, to Gorbachev, who was then given no official promise of halting NATO expansion after Germany's acceptance into NATO.
The colors revolution didn't actually have any ties to the US DoD, or State Department, or even the CIA.
The CIA WISHES they could lead coup on a shoestring budget like what happened in the colors revolution...
Ukraine was a combination of stacking ineptitude on part of both Russia, and Ukraine's governments.