Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 17:33 Id: 5997b5 No.57390 del
(240.70 KB 2048x1431 GQbmkblaIAIGB01.jpg)
Can you really say they're wrong after looking at your Presidential candidate? :)

Ah, that makes sense. Are they still doing that even now all the while we provoke them into a direct conflict?
My actual position on Ukraine is similar to my position on Gaza, not my problem, don't care, under normal circumstances I should have no horse in this race. However, my hatred for the American Empire makes me more inclined towards the side they are against.

Maybe so, I'm not exactly an expert on it either, but it definitely seems to me like the US wanted him dead, and then he wound up dead in one of the most demeaning ways possible.

Okay, this one is not. I will watch it, kinda tired so dunno if I'll get through the whole thing tonight.