Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 17:38 Id: c06a6d No.57393 del
(3.33 MB 2983x5800 119501278_p0.jpg)
I don't have a presidential candidate. The title on the piece of paper means nothing. I am beholden to no one, to no flag or label...

Is it all still very lawer-y? Yeah.
In a perfect world, under normal circumstances, the war isn't intentionally prolonged to collect conflict data, but uh... that's another thing entirely.


That's okay. For now, skip ahead to 27 minutes for a good laugh, then go back and watch the whole video later for maximum hilarity.
I like this dude's channel. He's a Russian himself, that reviews old Western, and Russian games, like fallout and old RPGs, with kind of a neat Russian perspective on them.