Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 15:08 Id: 156b1b No.57593 del
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Yeah, that's how IRL people work, most don't participate, they're just part of the crowd. The onlookers. This is NOT a new phenomena at all.

Same, really really same.
I see... it's that one you tried to get me to read, but I couldn't keep up with, that reminds me, I found something VERY interesting lately, but was waiting till Tsuchi was here to link it to both of you.
But the feet thread will scare him off, so-

Sunborn is small indie dev, pls understand. (translators note, MICA Team/Sunborn are no longer an independent small development studio, and have no less than six concurrent projects under major development)

Eeehhhh- yes, but no, we won't talk about that.

Fuckin' Xenoblade- LMAO
Alright, so then who does that leave at this point? What other gacha is gonna cash in on the open world meme?


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