Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 04:38 Id: 074d6f No.58029 del
The United States is currently engaged in expanding its nuclear power capacity. The most recent nuclear reactors, Vogtle Units 3 and 4 in Georgia, have just been completed. Unit 3 began operating in July 2023, and Unit 4 started in April 2024. These units are significant as they are the first new reactors built in the U.S. in over three decades, marking a major milestone in U.S. nuclear energy development.

Moreover, there are plans for further development of nuclear energy through the use of small modular reactors (SMRs) and microreactors, which are being explored for deployment across various sites, including defense installations. These efforts highlight a strategic move towards more resilient and versatile nuclear power solution.
t. ChatGPT