Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 16:12 Id: 91aed5 No.58063 del
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Probably not.
Trump does actually despise Bibi despite being an Israel shill though.
Either way, the debates should be interesting if nothing else. I am looking forward to Biden devolving into complete gibberish. The terms are also oddly favorable to Trump, as the mics are to be muted when the other nominee is talking. And the reason Trump "lost" the 2020 debates is simply because he wouldn't shut up and let Biden talk. And Biden is his own worst enemy, quite simply the more you listen to him the more you realize he is an out of his mind grandpa.
Ironically enough, in 2020 Biden was kinda a good foil to Trump. Trump's strategy, which to be fair, is what allowed him to plow through the entire field of Republican candidates and Hillary was that as soon as they made even a minor slip up he would swoop in, talk over them, and shut them down. Which is the opposite of the winning strategy against Biden, which is to shut up and let him talk.