Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 18:50 Id: cadc40 No.58428 del
(3.25 MB 1220x1985 IMG_1823.png)
They need to chill out with all these games, man!
That reminds me though, I need to see if the preinstall is up for ZZZ.
MiHoYo now has their own launcher for all their games. Soon MiHoYo will straight up just have a Steam knock-off. I feel it.
Oh yeah no, you need to go hang out with friends too. But uh... that バイト won't fill out the application itself.
Also, I hate to say this but uh- apparently dating apps are a big thing in Japan, and have a high success rate for foreigners, or so I've read by some others that are currently there.
Aaaaanyway. I wanna play mahjong irl...
