Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 19:01 Id: cadc40 No.58433 del
(2.97 MB 3100x2237 GOflKT3bkAAqB8B.jpg)
Literally just Tinder and Bumble. These were foreigners in Japan, so their go to was just the usual degenerate apps. I'm sure there's a Japanese/SEA based one, or multiple, but I don't want to weed through the 日本語 conversations, and I don't know what magical combo of kana/kanji I'd be looking for anyway.
Uh-huh. You're like a gacha jpg collector irl, you've had your eyes on one girl like 15 times already, so I don't wanna hear it, Mr. "Oneitis".
There are, I've literally walked past a few, but I'm also a coward, so...