Anonymous 06/30/2024 (Sun) 12:03 Id: ec5e6b No.58582 del
(4.05 MB 3784x8000 119707913_p4.jpg)
Thats how it should be done. Every choice must have consequences, not just the "bad" ones.

>Hu plays Baldur's Gate 3
>same day a fucking feature length video titled "Baldur's Gate 3 - An In-Depth Critique" shows up in my youtube recommendations
>in the thumbnail it says "It's pretty good"
How the fuck can you have 2 hours worth of critiques about something and still come away with saying it's pretty good?!
I think zoomers have forgotten what the word "critique" means and think it is simply synonymous with review.
Or maybe he really did critique but cucked out on calling the game shit because he was scared of its insane fans mobbing him. Either way I will not be spending 2 hours to find out, but of course a video like this would pop up as we're having this very discussion...