Bernd 09/13/2018 (Thu) 20:15:43 No.19235 del
(453.86 KB 698x490 Toldi_II_40mm.png)
(360.73 KB 693x491 Toldi_II_with-skirt.png)
(660.09 KB 860x434 1943M_Lehel.png)
Pic #1 #2 The Toldi II got stronger springs but not weaponry until 1942-43 when they got a 40 mm gun finally and thicker armor (Toldi II/A). The Toldi III was never finished, I'm not sure how it would differed it was an obsolete light tank as well.
Pic #3 Another version of L-62 was turned into an ambulance tank and called Lehel.
Pic #4 They also designed a tank destroyed on the basis of the Toldi.