Bernd 12/18/2020 (Fri) 08:15:11 No.41635 del
>Takeda Shingen
You need to watch Kagemusha then.
>this movie but one thing stands out, and that it's complete lack of CGI
Back then they still knew how to make movies. I'm watching new Expanse, and I'm far from impressed. The CGI looks okay, but still out of place and the whole thing very much look artificial like a room with green screens and actors placed into them to have a conversation which is also a turd, but we're talking about CGI now.
Weird thing, using CGI instead of people and props and scenery does not make the productions more cost effective. Unless we're talking about very turd CGI anyone can add with some video editor software. Curious nod really how we make everything "better" without actually making it better (either by improving it in some way - looks, reliability, etc - or by reducing the cost).