Bernd 07/05/2021 (Mon) 12:58:07 No.44301 del
> That in itself could be an issue though. The CCP is essentially legitimising itself through prosperity but that prosperity will not last forever, how will the people react when the housing bubble crashes or the economy slows due to an ageing population or maybe even if the west finally gets their act together and produces goods elsewhere to stop feeding China?
If the market crash obviously some shit will be stirred up. I disagree about the west supposedly feeding China, it's competitive market doing it's own thing. Remember despite we are scared of China's takeover we all want to acess cheap labor and cheap prices, it's not feeding it's trade and I think it will eventually just disappear and china knows this. Hence they invest in innovation and culture imperialism, education by overfunding Confucius Institutes. Prosperity without China is of course viable but short term politics in small countries prevent such big step. People keep complain about EU, but thanks to their appointed eurocrats they will curb trade with china regardless of unpopularity of such act, atleast in short term.

>Neither they have any now.
Never said otherwise, I thought this was clear.

>Essentially they do not have money, they have garbage.

> Barely anyone speaks to any Chinese person at all
The word gets spread around, many chinese travel overseas and acess their internet, not to mention of popularity of paid VPNs. Yes Chinese people know this attitude on internet.

>The problem with China disregarding human life: they won't care if the pacifier you shove into your beloved kid's mouth is made of 100% carcinogen materials